Pyradia Industrial Ovens & Furnaces await you on OMX

Active in the aerospace sector and keen on developing closer and longer term relationships with Canadian manufacturers, Pyradia industrial ovens division has recently joined OMX.

In March 2013, the Federal Budget endorsed the plan to focus on job creation and “buy Canadian” in military procurement. According to the federal government’s Industrial and Regional Benefits policy, companies that win defence and security contracts are required to undertake business activities in Canada worth 100 per cent of the value of those contracts.

OMX is a secure software platform for government contractors to manage their Canadian
content. It also provides support to Canadian companies who wish to connect efficiently with large aerospace and defence companies.

Pyradia has been supplying the aerospace and defense industry for many years not only tailored engineered and highly efficient heat treating solutionsweb converting machinery as well as cartridge dust collectors.

If you have any questions ? Contact us today.

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Published in News by Pyradia