Pyradia was recently awarded a contract for a Walk-in oven for Delta Star Inc., a company specializing in engineering and manufacturing of high quality transformers. Delta Star power transformers are individually designed and manufactured to exceed the highest industry standards and the exact specifications for the particular application. The walk-in oven will be heated electrically and will be used for drying applications.

Pyradia offers a wide range of cabinet and walk-in ovens to meet the most demanding heat processing needs. Backed by more than 30 years of experience in oven design, these units were carefully engineered and manufactured to provide exceptional temperature uniformity and dependability under the most severe conditions.

For 45 years, Pyradia has been a major supplier of high precision industrial ovens and heat treating equipment from table top laboratory furnaces to drop bottom ovens for aluminum heat treating. Pyaradia designs and manufacture a broad range of standard and custom-built Industrial Ovens and Furnaces.

Learn more about our industrial ovens & furnaces division and take a tour of our facilities.

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Published in News by Pyradia