MPJC V4 Cartridge Dust Collector application

Pyradia Belfab recently delivered an MPJC V4 Cartridge dust collector to a bakery installation, customer of our dealer LIMZ Machinery Group in Brooklyn, NY.

The customer required a system to collect flour dust and other type of fine dust generated by their baking process. The hazardous respirable dust in the bakeries is hardly visible and an increased concentration of flour dust and baking powder in the air leads to an enhanced risk to develop health conditions such as asthma.

Belfab provided a 15HP MPJC V4 cartridge dust collector offering 920ft2 of filtration surface, fitted with a 55-gal. drum to collect the falling dust and equipped with a backdraft damper in accordance with NFPA 68 standards.

The BELFAB V4 from the MPJC series is an upflow cartridge dust collector (vertical cartridges) with pulse jet cleaning system, offering optimal air-to-cloth ratio for 1000 to 4000 CFM ranges. This stand-alone compact cartridge filter unit can be configured with a sealed drawer, a hopper with drum or a rotary airlock continuous discharge for dust disposal.

Our Belfab division manufactures a complete range of dust collecting systems and downdraft tables with ranging capacities from 1,000 to 20,000 CFM. Belfab´s unique modular filter technology let you increase the filtration surface cost effectively, with the introduction of additional filter modules over time in line with the growth of your production.

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Published in News by Pyradia