Key factors to consider when selecting a dust collection system

When it comes to managing dust within a company, choosing the right dust collection system is critically important.

As a leading manufacturer of state-of-the-art dust collectors, Belfab provides an overview of the key elements that must be considered when selecting a dust collection system for your business.

Dust collection system – characteristics of the different types of dust that must be taken into account:

  • Particle size: Depending on the nature of the work, coarse to ultra-fine particles can be produced.
  • Abrasiveness: Some abrasive dusts can damage filters and other components of the dust collection system.
  • Work processes: The various joinery procedures generate specific types of dust and this can impact the choice of system.
  • Moisture content: In a humid environment dust can become sticky.
  • Contaminants: Wood dust may contain contaminants.

Dust collection system: Factors to consider

Before selecting a dust collection system, several factors must be assessed based on your specific needs:

  • Space considerations and cost considerations
  • High-temperature conditions
  • The amount of dust produced
  • The costs of filtration and maintenance

Also note that ease of maintenance varies depending on the type of system chosen.

How to choose the right dust collection system

Right from the start, bear in mind that the choice of dust collection system for your business should be based on a careful assessment of your specific needs.

To this end, our dust collection experts are available to guide you through the evaluation process, analyze your work processes and help you select the system that will ensure effective management of your wood dust.

An important fact to note is that all Belfab dust collection systems are designed to meet NFPA safety standards.

For an atmosphere that is cleaner, safer and more productive, rely on Belfab for your dust collection system.

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Published in News by Pyradia