Get ready for 2014
Everyone is getting ready for the festive period but the last weeks of December can be some of the busiest with last minute requests, left over budgets to spend in the year, quotes or deliveries urgently needed and upcoming year budget preparation.
Please note our offices will be closed from Dec 24th until Jan 3rd inclusive. Until then all at Pyradia will do their upmost to answer your queries.
So what lies ahead?
Well, a year we hope to be as exciting as 2013. The Industrial Ovens division will be busy with large projects of aluminum heat treating furnaces while the Web Converting Equipment division will unveil new pilot testing capabilities in the spring. As for Belfab´s dust collectors and downdraft tables customers, we hope to see you all at the next International Woodworking Fair in Atlanta next summer.
We look forward to hear about your projects in the New Year!
If you have any questions ? Contact us today.
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Published in News by Pyradia