Columbia Millworks chooses Belfab dust collector
Stiles Machinery´s dealer Advanced machinery system recently won a contract for a 30HP 6 modules Belfab NBM modular dust collector equipped with pneumatic dust transfer system.
The Belfab dust collector system will be installed in a few weeks at Columbia Millworks who provides woodwork home improvement services in Utah.
Advanced Machinery has been providing industry leading woodworking machinery for almost 30 years in the US and is one of the key dealers of Stiles Machinery.
The NBM system design integrates BELFAB modular filter technology. This feature makes it possible to increase filtration surface cost effectively, with the introduction of additional filter modules. This expandable filter module capability makes it possible to offer large filtration surfaces, capable of developing an air to cloth ratio better than 6:1. This feature makes it ideal for dust collection application involving moderate to large dust volume in either coarse or fine material.
Read more about the NBM dust collecting system from BELFAB here.
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Published in News by Pyradia