Case study Pyradia

This dust collector uses BELFAB’s patented modular technology, allowing to add-on filtration modules when the volume of air to be filtered increases, or to optimize the filtration ratio cost-effectively and is equipped with fans that can be modified to increase the airflow from 2 HP / 1000 CFM up to twin 20 HP / 12 000 CFM fans. Read more information on models and specifications here.

Case study – © Copyright 2013 Airpro, Inc.

Application:  Saw department of plastic supply/fabrication company required dust collection system upgrade to remove dust and trim from existing and new, larger CNC saws.
Problems to solve: Original dust collection system suffered from reduced airflow due to elevated pressure drop and difficulty to maintain manual clean after filter system.
Solution delivered by Airpro Inc: Dust collection system upgrades included self-cleaning after filter unit that shakes filters each time the system is shut down. Rotary Valve/Air Lock was increased to 20” size from 16” size in order handle larger chip/trim section volumes. Auto shake after filter with increased filter area reduced pressure drop and kept air more constant at tools, clean air is returned to the facility.
Filtration Equipment: One Cyclone Dust Collector; One 20” Size Rotary Valve/Air Lock; One Belfab Model NBM -3 Self-Cleaning Bag House after Filter Easy Duct Clamping ductwork

Type of Dust/Smoke: Plastic/Lexan Dust, Trim
Dust/Smoke Load: Heavy—One to two dumpsters/day
CFM/Static Pressure: 5500 cfm @ 14” s.p.
Filter Velocity: 10 fpm (after filter)
Filter Type: 10 oz. Polyester Felt

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Published in News by Pyradia