BELFAB NBM Dust collector Installation in NB, Canada

Belfab´s engineers recently completed the installation of an NBM 6 modules dust collector at the Riverview High School site in NB, Canada. The 10,000 CFM outdoor dust collecting equipment is equipped of a RSC 19 50HP Blower module, a soft & start control panel and shaker mechanism.  The project was coordinated by one of our dealers Atlantic Air Cleaning Specialists.

The NBM system design integrates BELFAB modular filter technology. This feature makes it possible to increase filtration surface cost effectively, with the introduction of additional filter modules. This expandable filter module capability makes it possible to offer large filtration surfaces, capable of developing an air to cloth ratio better than 6:1. This feature makes it ideal for dust collection application involving moderate to large dust volume in either coarse or fine material.

Belfab manufactures a complete range of dust collecting systems and downdraft tables with ranging capacities from 1,000 to 100,000 CFM. Belfab´s unique modular filter technology lets you increase the filtration surface cost effectively, with the introduction of additional filter modules over time in line with the growth of your production.


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Published in News by Pyradia